Minsk Forum XXII

The Minsk Forum, organised by German-Belarusian Society (dbg e.V.), is an annual platform for bringing together experts and people interested in Belarus and Belarusians from politics and active civil society. It aims at discussing pressing topics and giving ample room for exchange and networking on and for Belarus. This year’s Forum consisted of two events … Weiterlesen

Welcome address to participants of Minsk Forum 2024 by Fred Dorn, dbg Board member

(беларуская версія ніжэй)

Dear participants of the XXII Minsk Forum “Raising the Belarusian Voice in Europe “!

I want to start with a personal view on Belarus before the collapse of the Soviet Union, before the Republic of Belarus was founded, before the political power was taken by A. Lukashenko, and I will end with a perspective on German-Belarusian relations beyond this political regime.


Belarusische Exil-Politik in Deutschland: Einladung zur eintägigen Klausur in Berlin

Momentan scheint es, als würden die belarusischen Gemeinschaften in Litauen und Polen den stärksten Anteil an den politischen Exil-Strukturen des demokratischen Belarus haben. Gibt es auch in Deutschland Belarusen und belarusische Gruppierungen, die sich stärker in den Prozess der belarusischen demokratischen Exil-Strukturen einbringen wollen?