About us
Who we are
The German-Belarusian Society is one of the oldest German civil society organisations promoting dialogue between Belarus and Germany. We can build on a wealth of experience. For more than two decades we have been responsible for the Minsk Forum – one of the most important platforms for political, economic and social dialogue between the two countries. Once a year, the Minsk Forum brings together actors from politics and business, from culture and civil society. This table is rarely round because of the many contentious issues and the tense political situation. All issues that are pending between the two countries are to be discussed there.
Committed to dialogue between Belarus and Germany. We are the Minsk Forum!
What we want
We want to promote the development of intensive relations between Belarus and Germany, strengthen civil society involvement and arouse interest in the partner country.
In principle, we support humanitarian cooperation projects, town twinning and youth exchange.
Wir fördern den kulturellen Austausch und die wissenschaftliche Erforschung von Belarus.
Wir übernWe promote cultural exchange and scientific research on Belarus.
We take our share of responsibility for a burdened history.
We want to build bridges – even against the will of those who prefer to dig trenches.
Our guiding values
Freedom, tolerance and solidarity – for us, these are the guiding values of an open society, which we believe is best served by a democratic legal system. Strengthening Belarusian civil society is our guiding principle. The dbg raises its voice against the suppression of civil society.
Where we come from
The German-Belarusian Society was founded in 1999 as a non-profit and non-partisan organisation based in Berlin to promote understanding and cooperation between actors in Belarus, Germany and the EU. The first Minsk Forum had already taken place before that. The civil society commitment of our members to German-Belarusian relations has many facets. Some have been involved since the second half of the 1980s: in Chernobyl relief and in town twinning. Many got to know Belarus after the collapse of the Soviet Union – through voluntary service and civil society engagement on the ground. Others have since been committed to differentiating reporting on Belarus and raising academic discourse in Germany to a new level.